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Diocesan Shrine of the Mother of the Eucharist and Grace

San Vicente, Santa Maria, Bulacan

It was on August 15, 1991, that our Blessed Mother Mary appeared to a visionary. The Visionary’s description of our lady was, she was very beautiful, between 15 to 18 years of age. Her Immaculate heart was visible and on top of it was a Eucharist. Her dress was immaculate white. She was holding a rosary on her right hand and a scapular on the left. Mama Mary told the visionary that the Eucharist on top of her heart is a sign that it was from her that the body and blood of her Son Jesus Christ came. She then identified herself as the “Mother of the Eucharist and Grace”.

Brief History of the Apparition of the Mother of the Eucharist and Grace

Who is Carmelo? Why was he chosen? These are the questions being asked to those who have known Carmelo well and never saw signs of greatness or anything special about him. But Carmelo, we all realize, must be special in the eyes of God and Our Blessed Mother. He is what is referred to as a visionary or a special soul or even God’s instrument.

Carmelo is the youngest of nine children. His mother was a market vendor while the father has a small business fixing electric fans and other small appliances. His parents had always been devout Catholics and deeply devoted to the Blessed Mother. Carmelo was very active in the Block Rosary and would patiently bring the statue from house to house. His ambition is to be a Doctor or Priest but could not afford it.

Carmelo, according to some friends recalled how he was able to collect goods for 600 families by going around neighborhood several weeks before Christmas he distributes them to the 600 families sharing everything what he had collected.

June 12 is a significant date for all Filipinos being the day Filipinos won the freedom from the Spaniards. It is also the day that the Mt. Pinatubo erupted. However, it is on the same day that the BVM manifested to Carmelo Cortez.

It was almost 3 am when Carmelo heard a beautiful music coming from the living room. Worried that it might wake up his 5-day old daughter, he went down to turn it off when lo and behold he noticed that the music came from the picture that his friend Atty. Pedrosa gave him. The picture became three-dimensional and he saw Our Lady shedding tears of blood and the Baby Jesus trying to catch the tears with His little hand.

He later called his friend Fr. Bart (Fr. Virgilio Bartolome) and he immediately come several hours later and saw that the blood was still fresh.

Two days later, he was awakened again by a beautiful music, only his time Our Lady spoke to him through Locution (unseen). Our Lady asked him to get a notebook and pen and write down Her message. The message was “PRAY THE ROSARY EVERYDAY – GO TO CONFESSION – GO TO MASS AND RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION

Then the Blessed Mother told him – “You my son must go for a retreat and go to confession.

In another occasion, She appeared again by locution – and said to him. “I shall give you the gift of healing. Visit the sick, especially those soon to follow me to my Son’s kingdom. Do not use the word “dead” as that the word does not exist in my Son’s kingdom. You and your family will have to make sacrifices; so must the Filipino people. Soon there will be another Filipino saint. She is a nun. Heaven talks about the good she has done. When she beatified and canonized, all the problems in your country will slowly change. I shall guide you Filipinos; and the time shall come when I shall ask the good people from other countries to go to your country to be safe from any punishment they would get due to their sins. If many will pray the Holy Rosary, then the Vatican will beatify one who has served me well and the Philippines will be known as country, blessed and peaceful. I ask you again, pray the rosary and offer sacrifices everyday.

“Love the priests who will help you. Never get angry with them. Love even those who do not believe you for the time will come when they will approach you. Love all-who will help you in your mission. They will return 70 times after their trials. Go to the hospitals; bless the sick with holy water specially those soon to follow me to paradise. Propagate faith in God. Help the beggars. Today, I shall bless you. I will remove the anger in your heart. I shall give you peace of mind. I bless your hands as a sign of the gift of healing. I bless all your sacrifices and all your trials. May my Son, Jesus, bless you!”

“Pray at 3 am even when you do not hear music. I shall be watching over you always. On Fridays, offer sacrifices. Do not eat pork. Carry your cross. Pray for peace of the world. Remember my son, Carmelo I shall not give you worldly knowledge. You are an ordinary person so do not get angry and do not argue with those who do not believe you. Get piece of wood and make this into cross. Place it on a piece of white cloth and lay it beside the holy water. Before making the sign of the cross, sprinkle holy water on the cross as a sacrificial offering. Whoever does this will gain forgiveness for himself, his family and his country. If this is done at all times I shall bring a thousand souls to my Son everyday. Let all homes with altars follow this.”

The week before the feast of the Assumption, August 15th, Carmelo went on a retreat at the Convent in Naguilian. On the eve of Her feast day, Carmelo was awakened at 3 am and for the first time, he saw our Lady. She was standing at the foot of his bed. She gave him another message which appeared on the ceiling as he did not have a pen and paper when She appeared. She said “Pray, pray the Holy Rosary, so that any forthcoming calamity in your country can be stopped. Many people pray but they pray not from the heart and without faith in the Lord. Return to the Catholic Church though the Body of my Son. Love and pray for the priests and the Church. The Holy Rosary will link the world in peace. Practice the sacrament of confession or reconciliation. Attend mass on Sundays. Pray for the next Filipino saint. Let the change begin with you, Filipinos that other countries will emulate. Continue to pray and continue to heal all kinds of illnesses. I bless your hands as a sign of the gift of healing. Other types of sickness will come which cannot be cured by doctors. The only one who can cure these will be Mother of Jesus Christ. Continue to bless the sick and those soon follow God’s kingdom.

People seeking healing are encouraged to attend Mass and go to confession prior to being anointed.

In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII, we wish to declare that the terms miracle and such like, when made use of here, have only a purely historic, value, and that we submit without reserve to the judgment of the Church the facts we narrate.

Municipality of Sta. Maria, Bulacan
J.C. De Jesus St., Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

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